Bipolar Disorder Support Pages

Friday, March 5, 2010

Bring on the mania

Bring on mania, dammit!

One of the most unusual byproducts of Bipolar Disorder is the desire on the afflicted to actually desire one of the phases over another.  For those who are unaware, there are two "phases" of bipolar disorder that define the condition.  One is the depressive phase, and the other is the manic phase.  While either one can reach dangerous extremes, I find that I MUCH prefer the manic phase over the other.  When I'm in manic phase, I tend to be very up, very productive, and very energetic.  I can tell that I'm entering a manic phase right now, but it's not uncontrolled, so to speak.  I just feel it coming.  And I'm actually looking forward to it so I can get some things done in the next few days.

As I wrote yesterday, the medications have helped the period of time between severe mood swings - but they've also made me much more aware of their effects on my mind and body.  I have a lot to get done right now because I had a pretty severe depressive phase over the last two days and did pretty much nothing - so as you can imagine, clothes have piled up, dishes need to be done, I'm trying to sell my car, it needs to be cleaned out, still cleaning out and streamlining the past by throwing out unnecessary items which have moved with me over the last 30 years and all of this I can get done if I enter mania.  How sad is that?

So we'll see how the day goes, but I'm already filling up my calendar with "to-do's". 


  1. Kenny,

    I can't imagine what you go through on a daily basis.. i know its a struggle.

    Shaklee has some really great things that in addition to what you're doing to control it.. I think might help as well.

    Check out this link:

    You can always run it by your doctor first and see what they think, but I know people who haven't taken this(myself included) and its great.

    Hope you're doing well


  2. my comment wasn't blog worthy?? :(

  3. Jess - I'm so sorry - for some reason I didn't see the comments waiting to be published until today. Of course they were blog worthy - anything you say is worthy ;-) Again, sorry for the missout! thank you for the information - I'm doing really well with the meds I'm on now but I'm always up for more "fine tuning". I'm going to run that information by my psych to see what she says. KP
