Bipolar Disorder Support Pages

Sunday, April 11, 2010

About the child.....

So today in the aftermath of a child being killed and discarded in our neighborhood like a used toy, the news and media are crawling in front of the house and the area where the body was found.  Our doorbell got rang, and a female reporter asked me a few questions.  She wanted to interview me on camera but I declined after second thought, agreeing with Ed that it'd be disrespectful of the situation and bring more news to the area.  We've already seen a huge increase in traffic slowing down in front of the house to "get a peek" at where this happened.

I think as humans we have a morbid curiosity to things like this, although I do not understand why.  I have been guilty of that myself, and will slow looking at a wreck on the road.  Not because I want to, but because there's just an interest of "oh, what happened?".

In the neighborhood, well, I guess I have to admit I'm kinda Gladys Kravitzish in that I am home all the time and I want to know that people walking around my neighborhood belong here and that it is kept safe.  I'm getting older now and safety is a concern that will grow every day - I can't help now but look at a stranger when they walk down the street - are you involved?

Anyone that can find anyplace in their heart or soul where it's ok to take the life of a child.....well that is truly a monster in our day and age......

What needs to be written

There are so many thoughts on my mind this morning that I've decided to not write about them right this moment, but to wait until the excitement and emotion of the day (and houseguests) dies down to write about them intelligently and get exactly what I want to say about them down.

The first is the shocking and disturbing death of a child across the street from us; at least the finding of the body of a child.  This is a quiet neighborhood and definitely the first happening of this type event since we've lived here.

The second is weight related and will be not only open & honest about my own dealings with the weight that I've put on, but with how other people treat me and physical effects of it in doing something like going to an amusement park.  Something very embarrassing happened to me today from a result of my being overweight and it definitely had a motivating push behind it afterwards.  I. Must. Change. Things.

So, more on these two topics tomorrow, separately.