Bipolar Disorder Support Pages

Saturday, May 1, 2010

not even sure what to title

Not having a bad time here, just trying to roll with the changes of life.  The most recent is that I tested myself to go & get a job, which I did, first try out of the cage.  i wanted something that wasn't going to have the responsibilities that managing a building or property did, and figured I needed to start off "gentle".  So I decided to go & try to wait tables.  Got a job at my local Chili's bar & grill.  Still in training.  The training leaves a lot to be desired but I'm more than 1/2 way through and only have two tests to go.  I should be ok.  It was more of a test to see how I handled things, pressures, people I don't know and how new interactions would be now that my medications seem to be evened out.  So far so good but I have a tendency to wreck my own world so we'll see how it goes.  People can be so funny though.....

I have tomorrow off and will work more around the house and then back to the grind on Monday afternoon.  We'll see.

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