Bipolar Disorder Support Pages

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm going to start getting risker in my posts here

I'm going to start writing a little more riskier and about what I observe throughout the day here.  I just started reading some other blogs and one was titled:  "Dissension Amongst Protestant Theologians :- New Perspective on Paul" and I thought, damn, my writing is boring.  Why can't I come up with something like that?  I guess in all honesty the real question is Why would I?

Not knocking what anyone blogs about - it's all words coming out of our heads/asses and there will be some who are interested in what you write.  Maybe I have to make sure I'm interested myself when I write it before I can worry about someone else.  Chicken/egg sort of thing, I suppose. 

So that's all to say that soon I'll be having more interesting titles to my posts, even if the posts themselves end up being totally non-related to the subjects, hahahaha.  Gotta do something to grab attention.

I guess I could write about some of the oddities I see throughout the day at the restaurant, or my ongoing bitching about people who don't know how to or even to TIP your waiter.  I give consistently good service and have actually had people completely stiff me - it's the worst feeling in the world and I hope that karma comes around to bite these people squarely in the fat ass.  Almost as bad - having someone who just had a $50 check turn around and hand me ONE DOLLAR and say "This is for you" and act like you're really doing me some sort of huge favor.   Thanks, Ms. 300 pound lard ass - I hope you appreciate the fact that you just ran me ragged for an hour with constant requests "Can I have some honey mustard?"  "Can I have a to go box?" "Can I have a to go drink?" "Can I have some extra napkins?" and kept me from having someone seated at that table who understands that you tip a minimum of 10% to someone who BRINGS YOU SHIT.   I'll spit in your damn food next time I see you coming - hope you like that tip.   I work for - get this - $2.17 an HOUR and SURVIVE on your tips - and you got good service so don't pull that crap with me.  If you can't afford to tip your server, then don't fucking go out to eat.  Sorry, it's a sore subject with me after having it happen 3 times last week.  And please excuse my profanity - just part of today's mood.

Was that a tirade?  Maybe so but it's been on my mind and I just felt the need to get it out. LOL>  Maybe this subject should have been "Waiter tells it how it really is - a new perspective".

1 comment:

  1. I write mostly for me. Sure I hope others like and enjoy it but at the end of the day I write what I want. I've seen other bloggers w/ tons of followers and they have catchy titles and their writing just seems so much better than mine. I'm not trying to make a living at blogging (although I wouldn't mind being sort of famous) and I get a lot from just having a place to put out there what I'm thinking/feeling or whatever. Keep it up ~ it's all good. :)
