Bipolar Disorder Support Pages

Friday, August 13, 2010

Life is good....

I haven't stayed true to what I had intended on this blog because well frankly, life has been good.  Not that it's a good excuse, well I guess it kinda IS a good excuse if I have to have an excuse at all.  But I haven't had any swings that have been out of control.   I have had a few down days, a few bad moods, but nothing - NOTHING - like what they were pre-med.

I'm currently on 1200 mg of Lithium, 200 mg of Lamictal, and 10 mg of Abilify a day and that seems to be the magic combination for this bipolar man to make life livable again.  I'm pretty much constantly in a good mood, happy, and adjust to stresses well.  Of course, I expose myself to these things (stresses) in small amounts, but I'm feeling the need to expand that soon.

The downside:  Being on disability and only working part time makes for some very boring days.  So, as I've put on weight with the medication, and have some life goals to reach as I'm turning 45 in 28 days, I will be starting a new blog that will be a diary of sorts for me to follow the goals as I reach for them.  It's called the "KP One Year Project" and I hope to attain several goals during the one year from September 7, 2010 to September 7, 2011.  I'm waiting a full week after my birthday of September 1 so that I can enjoy the birthday week as I typically do, and don't want to have diet restrictions going on during the celebrating.  45.  Wow, can't believe I actually got to it.

Thanks to those of you who have followed my bipolar blog.  It's been a journey back to "normal" and I thank everyone who has been so supportive.  I do intend on keeping it going,  I need to take advantage of the writing space on the days that the bads hit me - it may be just enough to keep them at bay!


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